Presentations can assume many forms. From straightforward, written reports to visually appealing multimedia presentations, a plethora of options exist for delivering your message. However, many presentations suffer from common pitfalls, such as trying to crowd too much information onto a single slide. CreateWrite has the graphic design, instructional design, scientific and writing knowledge to position your presentation in its best light—and deliver your message clearly.
- PowerPoint slides – Amalgam of slides from different PPTs
- Executive summaries* – CV Advisory Panel Excerpt
- Market research reports* – Igenix_macular degeneration interventions
* Client sequestration rules prohibit showing more recent samples. Contact CreateWrite to discuss more recent projects.
What clients say:
PowerPoint for scientific audience, rewritten for investors
“The client loved it! Used all your recommendations [for new graphics]. Well done!”
— MK, PhD researcher
Market research report
“Very well written.”
— TB, president